it seems like six more weeks is going to take forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iknow there is the possiblity of having the baby come a few weeks early (my first came 3 weeks early and healthy) but its like waiting for your ten million dollar check to come in the mail from the lottery..........were yall as impatient as me lol?????
i am 38 weeks and feel like its takin 4 ever my doctor has checked me once at 36 weeks the past two check ups they havent even checked me for dialation so i dont even know if im progressing i dont get checked till this thursday everytime i get a little cramp im like yeah comeon water break but it has yet to happen lol i dont even think ive had a contraction and this is my first so i dont know what they feel like everyones like omg arent u scared to go into labor im like helll nooo bring it on im prayin for it lol i am super impatient i got everything ready bag packed different outfits for her pics depending on whether or not she has hair so bonnet or no bonnet lol hair band or not i had her room done for monthes i hand painted pooh and freind murals on the wall even lol good luck and if u find anything that really!!!!!! brings on labor let me kno lol
I know exactly how you feel im 34 weeks 4 days and every little ache or pain i hope could be labour. Its not long to go and i suppose the longer they are in the better but im sick of being breathless and lazy
I will be 33 weeks on sunday and I am soooo ready! I just want to be done and have my baby here already but it seems like its taking for ever and its driving me nuts haha so yea I feel ya. The first time I was kinda scared but this time I just want him here.
i had moments of being impatient, but each time i reminded myself that my body is still creating a healthy baby. this is just one of the things we put up with as mothers. how ever i can see how being 8 months in the dead of summer would be no fun. good luck, you will make it to the end jsut fine
IM DYING!!! im 39 weeks 1 day and set to be induced next wednesday because my baby is estimating on the larger side!
either way i feel like i can
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