Friday, March 27, 2009

Does Provera make you ovulate?

Provera will not make you ovulate. It will only make you bleed. I have taken it 3 times this year. Clomid makes you ovulate. Most doctors will prescribe provera so that you can shed the uterine lining before taking clomid so that you can start out with a fresh cycle.

I just got done taking Provera last Saturday. I started my period yesterday so I will start taking clomid on Monday (cycle day 5). I will take it days 5-9 and then ovulation should take place 5-10 days after the last pill of clomid.

Clomid is commonly used for patients will pcos but I am taking it because I am anovulatory after stopping birth control.

I hope this clarified some things for you! Good luck.

Provera is to induce your period. It is not prescribed for ovulation. From my own personal experience, I noticed that the day of the last provera pill, I ovulated,because I had twinges in the ovary, and clear discharge. I also took an OPK and it was positive.

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