got off the mirena IUD in January 2009. I had a normal period for February it started on the 25th till March 3rd. My cycle is usually about 30 days.
I have NOT had a period for March yet, I don't even feel like I'm ganna start anymore.
On March 18th my breasts have been sore,I have light cramps,sore abdomen, and I am exhausted all day. This week my appetite has increased and I get nauseous sometimes and my lower back kinda hurts too. I have no cm, no spotting. I ovulated on the 12th this month.
I took a hpt 3-24-09 the day my period was due it was negative.
I took another hpt today 3-27-09 and still negative I used very cheap off brand tests so I don't know if that makes a difference?
Could my period just be late I'm not stressed if it happens it will be great if not I'm not ganna be too disappointed?
Yes, your period could just be late (sadly).
After being taken off the pill over a year ago I found that my cycle was out of whack for a couple of months, this could possibly be the case for you as well.
If you still suspect you may be pregnant, wait another 1-2 weeks and test again.
Good luck and baby dust!
i was supposed to start on the 13th and its now the 27th.. ive had 5 negative pee tests... and still no sign of AF.. im in the same boat as you.. not really stressed other than negatives and no AF.. i just want her to come already... its to the point where id be ovulating again if i had her on time last month!!! its frusterating
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