Friday, March 27, 2009

Is my 18 month old just a bad or are we not disciplining right?

my 18 month old is always doing something bad either playing on the computer spitting on the carpet climbig on the table drawing on the walls or dragging stuff out when she's not supposed to and what we do for discipline is we have this monkey she's deathly afraid of and we'll say "do you want us to go get the monkey!?) or we'll just spank her but, scream or we have a time out bench that we sit her on but it seems nothings working what can i do to save my nerves!

you may consider deleting this questions IMMEDIATELY unless you want a horde of mean rude idiots saying "DONT TOUCH YOUR BABY"


anywhoo :P

- the monkey will just torture her; later she will be attracted to horror movies, scared of monsters, and a very insecure person...probably not the best choice lol

- spanking her is effective, SAFE method. Don't "beat" her obviously , but a light tap on the bum , enough to sting so she doesn't want it to happen again.

- you can't help it it's usually always gonna happen. You'll be upset. but it ALWAYS makes her respect you more if you keep a cool tone and count to three or some such , without yelling. because that teaches her she can push your buttons.

- time out bench is good!

dont worry she WILL get over this it's a phase .

I wouldn't threaten her with a monkey... The only thing that will do is give her irrational fears. It all sounds like normal behavior for an 18 month old. They are testing the limits. Just keep stopping, distract her with things she can do, and put up things she isn't supposed to touch. As for the computer, they have pretend computers for kids or you can give her an unplugged keyboard to play with. I put Microsoft word up and let my 19 month old 'spell'. Don't give her crayons or markers unless she is seated at a table or her highchair with paper and don't take your eyes off her. Put the writing utensils away when she is done. As for spitting, maybe time out will work for that.

An 18 month old is not a child that understands discipline well. Get the book "Happiest Toddler On the Block". It will help you understand what your child is going through and how NOT to discipline like you are currently doing. It's hard when they just won't listen, but if you look at it from their level, it's way easier to deal with.

She is learning how to be an acceptable human in society and the above methods of 'discipline' are not teaching her appropriate behaviour.

Look up some info or talk to someone about child development before someone gets hurt.

it sounds like your child is board,you need to sit and play with her at 18 months she would only have a small concentration span, you need to keep her entertained even when your doing boring jobs like house work give her something to do, tell her you need help(dry cloth works wonders have her wiping surfaces), please stop scaring her with the monkey how would you feel if someone keep threaten you with something you were afraid off, its not fair on her.only praise her for good behavior and ignore the bad behavior.

YES, spanking IS PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE. You should never put your hands on a baby like that. The screaming is VERBALLY ABUSIVE, and the monkey thing is MENTALLY ABUSIVE. It's absolutely NOT "funny".

All the "bad" things you described are just her being a normal mischievous toddler. The test the boundaries at this age. Get over it!

I'm pretty sure you're just some bored kid who thought this would be funny, but just in case you're not. Call social services and tell them they need to remove your child from your home immediately because you obviously don't have what it takes to be a parent.

Sounds like you are doing everything perfectly, I cannot understand what the problem would be! (TROLL)

dont spank a kid. but talk to her doctor. my son is the same and we have him in Behavural classes to see if he is a bratty 2 year old or have a son that has a real prob.

Ok so when she misbehaves you either terrify her or you hit her? Maybe you should be less worried about your nerves and more worried about the well-being of your child who you are traumatizing

I dont think by u scaring, screaming, or spanking the child will make her any better if anything it will make her rebel even more just do the timeout thing and see if it works.

Your baby is only 18 months old. You need to get a book on child development. Spanking, screaming at and scaring an 18 month old baby are all bad forms of discipline.

1) No child is 'bad'. Only bad parents

2) Your 18 month old plays on the computer? Play with her. All children go through a curious phase, it's part of growing up.

3) Hitting an 18 month old baby is unacceptable, and scaring her is just as bad. Abusing your child is not going to sort out the problem.

4) Enroll in parenting classes. You obviously don't have a clue. Being a parent is stressful, but good parents can control themselves and work out their problems.

5) Remember that being a parent is a privilege not a right. Treat your baby as the gift that she is, not a nuisance.

6) I seriously hope this question is a joke. Otherwise, I feel extremely sorry for your child and hope she turns out ok, and not totally traumatised. And I'm shocked by some on the answers here. How are other people not totally appalled by this abusive, inadequate 'mother'?

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